There is a lot of buzzing in the air recently. The weather is warmer, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and all our friends have loved the arrival of spring!
Easter Celebration
Easter is always an exciting time and this year was no different. The children enjoyed coloring Easter eggs and decorating their own Easter bags to collect their eggs.
We talked about different colors the children could color their eggs and of course the Easter bunny and how he comes and hides the eggs for everyone to find.
The Easter bunny did not let a little rain put a damper on his ability to hide eggs. He still found a place inside to hide the eggs for everyone to find. The excitement and joy of finding an egg on your own is priceless.
Spring Has Sprung
In October, the Toddler class had the opportunity to plant tulips with the Primary class. Both classes did an amazing job and all the tulips they planted are now blooming and look absolutely beautiful!
Imagination Station
It is wonderful to get outside with the nice weather. Everything is green and the flowers are blooming. The children enjoy being outside and it really sparks their imaginations.
Some days we sit on the picnic tables and “serve and make food” while other days the children just sit around the table and chat. Picnic tables are always a great spot for a chat!
Another favorite is drawing with chalk on the blacktop and creating pictures. It is always fun when the children ask us to draw something. Artwork at its finest!
Logs become castles and grass becomes houses for the elves.
The rocker became a ship.
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and strength, use it to create.”
– Maria Montessori