Ask any students in our class this question and the answers will vary from a simple answer like it’s an animal that flies, it has a nest and it comes from an egg. Or the older student tell you that a bird is a very complex creature and share more information like what it eats, where it lives and how it survives. If you came to observe the classroom you might see the younger students working on identifying birds and naming them with picture cards, while the older students are journaling their own pictures of birds with little stories of interest to them. Take a look around and see if you can identify at least ten birds where you live and, if you want, please feel free to share your discoveries with your children and make pictures that they can bring in to school to share with the other students.
About Ms. Phelen
Ms. Phelen has been a pillar of the VFKH community for over 25 years. She loves to watch the children grow in all aspects of their being, and share with them some of her talents, such as music and art appreciation.